Successfull opening Select HR 's-Hertogenbosch with inspirational workshop about burn out & stress management

Published on: 20 February 2017

On the 16th of February, Select HR proudly opened its first location in the Netherlands: ’s Hertogenbosch. The renowned clinical and healthcare psychologist, Dr. Michael Portzky captivated the audience effortlessly with his practical and at times humorous approach to his inspirational workshop.

The notion of resilience and a possible correlation with burn-out was the central topic of this workshop. In the first part of the workshop, he gave a short and clear scientific explanation of how the brain works and how it is affected by stress. The workshop went on with some practical tips and tricks for employers to organise stress management.

The so-called ‘palliative pallet’ got a significant amount of attention. This is the sum of all stress reducing activities one can use to maintain balance. Within this palliative pallet however, positive, as well as negative and even destructive activities can be found.
By opting for an HR oriented workshop rather than for a traditional office opening, Select HR shows how they differ in building and maintaining relationships. Both with candidates and clients.

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